Welcome to Softball at Sunland Springs Village!

and the

SSV Softball Club, 2956 Alderwood, Mesa, Az 85212 

Phone 602-280-4945

Click on one of the topics in the left navigation pane to get more information about softball at SSV.

New ABI Force Infield Grooming Machine

2024 Summer Field Preparations

                           Lip and Mounds                                                                       6 Ton Mounds                                                                 Many Mounds 100 Tons

                    Smoothing the Mounds                                                           Joe Wright Leveling                                                                   Look Ma, No Lip

                             Getting Closer                                                                 Level and No Lip in LF                                                         Level and No Lip in RF

Leveling and Preparing the Infield

Seeding and Top Dressing the Outfield